The Decision to Buy: A Roadmap

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Meet with Gunnar.

It all begins with a conversation with Gunnar about your goals. Whether it’s your first purchase, your second or even an investment property, Gunnar will work with you to build a custom tailored plan for you to reach your real estate ownership goals.

Get pre approved with Gunnar

Get Pre-Approved.

Unless you’re using cash, you’ll likely need financing to purchase your home. Gunnar will point you in the right direction to work with a loan originator that fits your personality and can provide you the best loan package and customer service possible.

Search for homes with Gunnar

Search for Homes.

Once you’ve built a plan with Gunnar and been approved for a loan, the fun part begins, searching for your next home! Not all real estate search engines are the same, the good news is that working with Gunnar gives you exclusive access to homes you may not ever find on the big red logo’s website.

Offer to purchase with Gunnar

Presenting your Offer.

You’ve found the home you’re ready to purchase, the next step is presenting the seller’s with an offer they can’t refuse. Gunnar will help you structure your offer to win the home, even in the hottest of seller’s markets!

Negotiate with Gunnar

Negotiation & Mutual Acceptance.

Prior to Mutual Acceptance, Gunnar will help you negotiate the best terms for you so that you’re not paying too much for a home but also putting your best foot forward. After both parties agree to the respective terms, you’ll reach Mutual Acceptance and Earnest Money will be deposited!

Get a home inspection

The Inspection Contingency.

The home inspection is like getting a physical from a doctor – it will teach you about the home’s potential problems so that you can make an informed decision about whether you want to continue with the purchase.

in escrow with Gunnar

In Escrow.

After the Inspection Contingency is satisfied the contract is now in Escrow. During this time not much happens between the buyer and the seller as both parties are awaiting loan underwriting and approval from the lender. Once final loan approval is met, documents are sent to the Escrow Closer and the Closing Process begins!

Close with Gunnar

The Closing Table.

Finally the time comes for ownership to transfer and for you to take title in your new home! Both parties will sign the final documents, the bank will fund the loan, and the county will record ownership in your name. The last step is for Gunnar to provide you your keys, from there the home is officially yours!